Understand The Differences Between Mountaineering, Abseiling And Climbing

For adventure lovers, we brought this text about vertical activities. They consist of exercises that involve height, that is, they are practices in which the athlete climbs or descends from some unevenness. There are several types of vertical activities. And they are gaining more and more followers around the world.

Many can confuse these types of practices. So, if you’re looking for a vertical activity to venture out, follow along to understand the difference between the modalities.

What do vertical activities have in common

First of all, let’s talk about what vertical activities have in common.

First, we would like to make it clear that each of the activities requires the use of specific equipment. Any extreme sport or technique must be practiced responsibly and with the aid of certified safety accessories.

Furthermore, other points those vertical activities have in common, as they are extreme sports, is the need to have a good physical fitness, sometimes even psychological fitness and, of course, an adventurous spirit.

Finally, another similarity they have is the fact that they help athletes develop strength, balance, motor coordination and flexibility, in addition to working several muscles in the body. These activities are highly recommended for those who want a healthy life and full of sporting challenges.

What are the peculiarities of each of the vertical activities

Now, see the main information and peculiarities about each of the modalities.


Popularly, it is known as a set of sports that are defined by the objective of reaching the top of great elevations with altitudes above 300 meters, that is, it is a climbing that takes place in mountains, on a trail route.

Mountaineering can be confused with other vertical sports, practiced in different mountain ranges: Mountaineering, which takes place in the Alps (at 5,000m altitude), Andinism (at 7,000m altitude), which is done in the Andes and Himalaism, in the Himalayas (in mountains above 8000m above sea level).

However, the practice of mountaineering is done in walks or vertical climbs on peaks up to 2,500m in altitude, while the other sports are practiced on peaks with higher elevations. Therefore, the athlete must use equipment such as rope, helmet, carabiner and specific clothing.

In the case of peaks that are more than 8,000m in altitude, such as those found in the Himalayas, where the highest mountains on Earth are located, the athlete must be prepared to face the so-called “death zone”, with thin air, which requires specific techniques and care to survive extreme conditions.


This technique consists of a vertical descent, with the aid of a rope, among other equipment. Generally, it is practiced outdoors, in waterfalls, rocks, mountains.

The practice of rappel is not exclusive to athletes, whether professionals or amateurs. It can also be used by researchers to descend into caves to study them, or even by firefighters to rescue and save lives.

Safety and support equipment are essential in the practice of rappelling. Among them are:

  • Rope
  • Baudrier (seat chair)
  • Eight brakes
  • Carabiner
  • Helmet
  • Gloves
  • Ribbon ring


Climbing is one of the best known sports, in which mountaineering techniques are used, with the purpose of reaching the top of a mountain or using artificial blocks.

There are several sports modalities, which are practiced in environments: outdoor (outdoors) and indoor (indoors).

This sport is practiced both individually and in groups. Defined routes are called roads, and there can be more than one road on the same mountain.

Only indoor climbing, that is, climbing walls in gyms or gyms, is competitive. It is divided into three modes, namely: boulder, speed (speed) and difficulty (lead).

Outdoor climbing, in other words, made in mountains and rocks, has a recreational or personal challenge character.

Now that you know what the most popular vertical activities are and their characteristics, when venturing into the heights, don’t forget to use safety gear.

The techniques must be done correctly, according to the activity being practiced. If you are inexperienced, we recommend consulting a professional so that everything happens safely, to ensure your safety and tranquillity in your adventures.


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Hey, Mark Ladd here. I am a sports fanatic and have a passion for this. Particularly running is what I love best. However, around 5 years ago I had an accident that changed my life. I can no longer pursue those sporting activities, so I moved my focus on a different approach where I blog about the sports and other areas of life which I have grown to appreciate more since my accident.

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